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Report sent to South Glouchestershire Council

Date: November 18th, 2023

To: South Gloucestershire Council

From: Aimee Winter-Tuck Chair for Thornbury Chamber of Commerce

Subject: Assessment of Public Opposition to Proposed Car Park Charges in Thornbury

Executive Summary:

This report consolidates insights gathered from an extensive review of over 3035 submissions expressing passionate objection to South Gloucestershire Council's proposed car park charges. Over 90% of contributors have signalled their intention to cease utilising Thornbury shops if these charges are passed. Additionally, apprehensions have been raised concerning the potential hindrance to essential services, such as GP facilities and baby hubs and prescription services if parking fees are implemented. Within these submissions we received noteworthy correspondence from general practitioners expressing concerns about health inequalities for low-income families endeavouring to access fundamental healthcare services.


South Gloucestershire Council's recent contemplation of imposing charges for car park usage has spurred a substantial public response, with over 2000 individuals submitting documents within the initial 24 hours, and this number continues to rise. A unanimous 100% of the submissions unequivocally reject the proposed changes.

Key Findings:

  1. Overwhelming Opposition: The dissatisfaction voiced by respondents is grounded in the perceived adverse effects on daily life and the local economy. Many underscore the ongoing recovery of Thornbury from the high street and car park renovations.

  2. Threat to Local Businesses: A notable portion of respondents has declared an intention to discontinue utilizing Thornbury shops if car park charges are implemented. This poses a potential detriment to the local economy and a decline in business for retailers, as previously witnessed during high street and car park resurfacing. This will also reduce rates paid to South Gloucestershire from current businesses as they are likely to seize trading. The majority of shop owners have stated their staff would be unable to pay for parking to attend their jobs. This includes the various charity shops available in Thornbury, all volunteers wouldn’t pay to park and volunteer their time.

  3. Concerns for Access to Essential Services: Numerous submissions express serious concerns regarding access to vital services. Individuals relying on cars for accessing GP services, baby hubs, especially those with young children or mobility issues, fear hindrances due to car park charges. This raises apprehensions about health inequality and the Council's commitment to public health and accessibility for Thornbury residents.

Public Sentiments:

The submissions encapsulate diverse sentiments and concerns, including:

  • Belief that car park charges impose an unfair financial burden on residents facing financial crises.

  • Fears that charges would discourage visits to Thornbury, exacerbating existing fractures in the community spirit.

  • Apprehensions about environmental impacts, including increased congestion and potential accidents in residential areas, if people are forced to park farther away due to fees.

We strongly recommend that South Gloucestershire Council explore alternative revenue generation methods, incorporating transparency, fairness, and community input to align with resident needs while maintaining fiscal responsibility.


Given the overwhelming opposition and serious concerns expressed by the public, it is recommended that South Gloucestershire Council re-evaluates the proposed car park charges. The potential negative impact on local businesses and residents' access to essential services should be central considerations in assessing the feasibility and necessity of these charges.

Additionally, we propose that the Council conduct a more comprehensive public consultation to gather additional feedback and explore alternative revenue generation methods that do not unduly burden residents and businesses.


The substantial number of document submissions opposing South Gloucester Council's proposed car park charges, coupled with concerns about their impact on local businesses and access to essential services, emphasizes the imperative for a thorough reassessment of this proposal. The Council should prioritize the well-being and interests of its residents while seeking sustainable funding solutions that avoid undue hardship. Full comments from form submissions are available upon request, offering potential collaborative pathways forward to benefit Thornbury and its residents.


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